Landy Putros
4th hour

One year goals

•  My first one year goal is to learn how to drive. This goal is important to me because I would be able to go anywhere including the library to help me with any project I get and I don’t have to bother my parents or my sister to take me. What I am doing to achieve this goal is I am trying to save money as much as possible for the car and for the license. If by any chances I don’t achieve this goal I would be very upset but I will go back and see what went wrong and try to change it.
• Me second one year goal is to learn how to swim. This goal is important to me because I feel free and I take my mind off of everything around me and I get a good excrise. What I am doing to achieve this goal is to practice swimming and not to be afraid of water. If I don’t achieve this goal I will go back and try again until I achieve it.
• My third one year goal is to finish my junior year with all A’s.  this goal is important to me because getting good grades in high school helps me in college. What I can do to achieve this goal is to study hard and do all my homework and pass all my tests. If I don’t achieve this goal which I am sure I will try my best to achieve it I will get more help from my teachers in my senior year.

Five year goals

• My second five year goal is to graduate with a good degree. This goal is important to me because if I don’t get a good degree I won’t be able to get a good job and if I don’t get a good job that I like I won’t be happy in my life. What I can do to achieve this goal is to work really hard in college and put all my time and effort in to studying. If I don’t achieve this goal I would ask for help next time and restudy everything.
• My first five year goal is to get a good job with pharmacist. This goal is important to me because I really like being a pharmacist and I enjoy being one. What can I do to achieve this goal is to try really hard to get good grades in high school and college. If I don’t achieve this goal I don’t mind going back and going through the steps I  took and see what I did wrong and redo it.
• My third five year goal is to  be able to go and visit my family in Iraq. This goal is important to me and I consider it as a goal because I want to see them and I want them to be proud of me and what I am became. What I can do to achieve this goal is to study hard then save enough money and go visit them. If I don’t achieve this goal I would try to save more money and go visit  them.
Fifteen year goals

• My first fifteen year goal is to be happy. This goal is important to me because all the hard work I am doing is to be happy in the future and I don’t my hard work to go to waste. What I can do to achieve this goal is to achieve all my goals. If I don’t achieve this goal I would see what went wrong and try to fix it and be happy.
• My second fifteen year goal is to find a good guy that we both understand each other and has a good personality. This goal is important to me because everyone needs someone to understand them and backs them up. What I can do to achieve this goal is to try to meet a lot of people and respect my self is front of others. If I don’t achieve this goal I can always go back and meet other guys.
• My third fifteen year goal is to be able to own my own pharmacist. This goal is important to me because I want to be able to work alone and I am the type of person that I don’t like having a boss, I want to be the boss. What can I do to achieve this goal is to work really hard even if I don’t like my boss and save as much money as I can and have a good credit to take a loan. If I don’t achieve this goal I would see what I did wrong and redo it.
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