Books Are Important
    Have you ever thought about what it would be like to not have any books in the world?  In the book Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, books were considered bad and burned instead of read.  In this book, if you read books you were considered odd or different.  People that had books in their house would get into plenty of trouble.  Firemen would come to your house and burn every single book that you had.  If I could only save three books to keep I would save A Child Called It, The Bible, and an encyclopedia.
     The first book I would keep is called
A Child Called It.  I would save this book because it is an autobiography of a man named Dave’s childhood.  This book is mainly about a child’s courage to survive.  He was abused all his life until he was old enough to live by himself.  He tried so hard to impress his mother but no matter how hard he tried or what he did, she always came up with an excuse to punish him.  Every night David would pray that his mother would love him when he woke up the next morning.  He wanted more than anything to be treated like a human being like his brothers and sisters. Also, just to be loved by someone.  I chose this as one of my books to save because it shows people, especially children, that you should never give up no matter how hard life becomes or how hard it may seem.
The Bible is the second book I would choose to keep.  I would save this book because most people strongly believe in religion.  The Bible is about events that happened a very long time ago.  I think that it is very important that people know about what has happened in the past.  In Bradbury’s novel, almost everyone had no idea as to what happened in the past. The Bible also helps people to get through life and problems that they may come about.  I think this would be a very important book to save.
     The third book I would save would be an encyclopedia.  An encyclopedia has heaps of information that can be used if you want to look something up.  Also, if you want to learn about a certain topic you can just look in the encyclopedia.  This would be very helpful for people to learn easier and better.
     The three books that I would save if all of the other books were to be destroyed would be
The Bible, A Child Called It, and an encyclopedia.  I believe that these three books would be very helpful for people of all ages.  Also these books can be used when you want information on something or need help doing something.
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