Tuesdays with Morrie

Books. Books are all around us. They are everywhere and nowhere. Why are they here? Why do we read books? The main reason we read books is to escape reality. We just want to enter someone else’s life and live in their shoes for awhile. Most of the time, when we read books, we relate them. You can tell someone’s personality by the books they read. In the Book Tuesdays with Morrie there are many things I can relate to my life. Like the way Mitch Albom lives his life, and the way he treats people an so one. In every book you or any one else reads, you will at least relate to it in one way. 

The first thing I can relate to my life is how Mitch got so wrapped up in his work that he forgot about everything else. Whenever is start doing something I like or want to do, I get wrapped up in it and forget about everything else. Most of the time it is bad, but when I have to do something and I have to get it done fast, it is good that I get wrapped up in my work. Mitch got so wrapped up in his job, he forgot all about his old teacher and even the reason life is worth living for. I hope I or anyone else ever gets wrapped up so bad.

The second way I can relate to Tuesdays with Morrie is that Mitch has a very friendly and loving old teacher who always teaches him new things. I have an elderly neighbor whose law I cut for free and after every time I cut his grass, he invites me in and we always talk. Many times he tells me what his life was like when he was my age. He is pretty cool and after I move, I most likely will miss talking to him. Morrie was dieing, so Mitch started visiting him again. To Mitch, it felt like college again as he was talking to the old man.

Books can teach us a lot. They can help us escape reality for a couple of hours. We can take things out of books and use them in our very own lives. We can relate to books. In Tuesdays with Morrie I found at least a dozen ways I can relate to Mitch and with Morrie.  Tuesdays with Morrie is a great book. I would recommend it to anyone. Anyone who will read it will relate to it in at least one way.