It's an Albright Tradition...
You know you either live or have been to the 3rd floor Albright...
...if you know what Grindy talk is
...if you know who the Kamikaze Warrior, the Bourbon God, and the Vodka Goddess are referring to
...if you know about Lil Red's 12 ft. dick
...if you you've heard a Reverend Wray Wray sermon
...if you can solve this equation:  ds = ss/3 * 2
...if you know where Cindy spent the night depending on whos shirt she's wearing
...if you have seen this equation in it's true form:  3 pts Vodka + 2 pts Pooh Juice = Suzanne drunk to the 5th
...if you know what a dig is
...if you have seen the "Raging Bull"
...if you have heard the phrase, "I'm so fucked up, I'll fuck anything I want to."
...if you know any good Hank Williams songs
...if Joey has attempted to explain Star Wars to you
...if you're Magnium XXL Pimpin
...if you've witnessed an entire weekend of Titties and Beer
...if you've had the police called on you four times in one night
...if you know a guy younger than you named Grandpa
...if you've participated or witnessed Tribal Ceremonies
...if you know 3 people that have puked on the stairs
...if have either seen or worn the Horny Hat
...if you've taken an Apple Orgasam shot (or have done the Masturbation Shot)
...if you've seen Alex and the O Face
...if you've heard Henry go "Wa Wa Wa Wray Wray"
...if you know what happens when you take the giraffe on the safari
...if you've played Truth or Dare Albright Style
...if you've bagged a Beaver
...if you know what IHP stands for
...if you've signed a piece of wood that you've found
...if you line both lines of sprinklers with beer cans
...if you've seen random objects flying out of the windows
...if you were here to toast Jr's victory at Talladega
...if you've met our talent scout
...if you know that a drunk girls words are a sober girls thoughts
...if you've ever had shaken Jim Beam's hand
...if you've ever had someone on the hall ask you, "got aderall?"
...if you know that duct tape fixes everything
...if you know what "17 seconds of fame" means
...if you ever heard the following songs..."Porn Star", "Red Ragmop", "Pee in a River", "Beer Hides Ugly", or "the Gay Henry Song"
...if you know what "I'm so drunk and I could lay out in the hall and cry" means
...if you turn 21 and you're told you have to keep with tradition...Grindy puked, TJ puked, Jamie puked, and I puked...
...if you know 3 Matt's known as "Particially-sober" Matt, "Drunken" Matt, and "Je Suis Homosexual" Matt
...if you've drank Natural Light
...if you've ever understood the complicated lyrics to DMB's "Bartender" (It's 2 am and I'm drunk's heavy on my mind)
...if you've seen the Cullowhee Rattlesnake
...if you know that either Room 325, Room 323, or Room 320 in sometime and in some fashion was a Gentlemen's Club for a night
...if you've seen Jamie after consuming almost an entire case of beer and then some
...if you've seen Jason carrying a suitcase in one hand, an open beer in the other, and a trash bag tied to his belt loop on his pants
...if you know whatever happens in Room 320, stays in Room 320
...if you've seen Wray in his Reverend attire for an evening of drunken good fun
...if you've done communion with either Courvoisier, Budweiser, wine, or a 40 of OE
...if you know who Dixie is referreing to (and no, I don't mean the rebel flag)
...if you know when Emily's drunk by the fact she has a hat on backwards dancing on Jamie

"Young (Albright Boys Style)": 
(parody to "Young" by Kenny Chesney)
Verse 1:
Looking back now, well it makes me laugh
we were bleaching our hair, we were sleeping through class,
knew it already, there was nothing to loose,
we were smoking bowls and drinking booze

Listen to our music just a little too loud,
they were hanging with the Albright Crowd,
heading all around Cullowhee with some discount beer,
it was a long night ahead but we had no fear

Man I don't know, where times goes,
but it sure goes fast, just like that,
we were southern rebels and everyone knew,
with our Jim Beam whiskey and cases of brew,
had plenty of stories for the things that we've done,
we were brave, we were crazy, we were mostly young

Verse 2:
We talked mad game when we hung with the guys,
in the hot seat, we weren't awkward and shy,
women were a mystery that we couldn't explain,
and that's something that's never gonna change.
Here's to the good times...
Here's to the nights...
Here's to the sunrises after partying...
Here's to the sunsets pre-partying...
Here's to the wild nights...
Here's to the calm wine nights...
Here's to the year of 2002-2003
Here's to the peace and prosperity...

R.I.P. Grindy's Youth!!!   lol...
Seriously brother've been an inspiration on the hall and just in all our lives...I couldn't ask for a better friend to call the older brother I wish I had...
Thanks for the memories...but just so you know, this year doesn't have to be it...may we raise hell once again in the future...
Wait...we are going to raise hell again in the future...that's for damn sure!!!