Jessica - don't get too wild up in High Point or too wild anywhere else...I hate to sick your daddy on  INCHWORM AT FOUR SEASONS!!!  Man we've had some great times, crazy times, down times, but you're still a great girl...thanks for ya!
Janessa - like whoa...shake what your momma gave ya!!!  I can't believe almost 3 years have went by since we've met, but it seems like yesterday...I know you've never thought that I would get this mushy, but you're like the #1 reason why I can now have a good time without being totally shy and I've gotta thank ya for it.  Remember all the good times...New Years 2001, Stix, B-town trips, schoolin me in pool, hanging out with Terry and've gotta come back and visit, I personally sure as hell miss ya!!!  Love ya!
T - you better be living it up down in South Carolina...go Gamecocks you cock...ahahahahahahaha...  I guess I should start thankin ya for being a good friend...despite all the shit your ex put me through...I guess she was a little too psycho for all of us...remember all the good times...drama parties at Jeymes, Stix, Mebane...whoa!, Dockside Dolls, Wal Mart, karaoke nights at Hams, cute blondes, the night the power went out on your only visit to WCU...whoa...what fun...come on and back and visit sometime and for god sakes...stop acting gay!
Donielle - I never want to be reminded on the reason why we started talkin in the first place, but I'm glad it happened, or else we would never be the good friends we are today...thanks for're truely one Green Eyed Cutie!!!  Love ya!
Addie - Adrienne, Addielicious, Lil Barbie Jumpin Bean...thanks for always being there to make me laugh and smile on a bad're great yourself...just don't change for anyone...not even Good Charlotte  lol
Misty - thanks for everything, for mainly acting just as crazy and stupid as I truely makes me smile and makes me just as happy that there's someone out there that acts as crazy as I keeps me in line...hehe...TURTLES!!! WEEEEEEEEE!!!  Stay sweet and sexy!  love ya!
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