WD9EWK - via satellite (and space stations)



Updated 26 October 2008

I have always been interested in space exploration.  In the past decade or so, I have also been interested in space-related aspects of my ham radio hobby.  Amateur radio operators have launched dozens of satellites since 1961, and have operated from space since 1983 on USA space shuttles and from the Russian Mir station and the International Space Station.  There is much more information on amateur radio in space at the following sites: 

In the past several years, I have made two-way radio contacts with other stations in North America using amateur radio satellites, and I have made contacts with both the Mir and International Space Station. 

Statistics on WD9EWK's satellite operating
Please view my text file with WD9EWK's statistics for satellite/ISS contacts
I am in the process of redoing my satellite-related web pages.  Please be patient, as I take a little time to put more - and, hopefully, better - information related to this part of amateur radio on my web site. 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or questions about me or my web pages. 
WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Ham Radio