Mexican (XE) amateur-radio regulations

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Updated 9 February 2006

After some work, I have located the 3 Mexican documents that represent the amateur-radio regulations in that country.  Since the links to those documents may not work properly in some browsers, I have converted those documents to PDF and posted them here.  All of these files are in Spanish, as they appeared on the CoFeTel web site.  These links will open in another window.  The documents are (with file sizes):

The first two documents above represent the "Regulations for Installation and Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Service", and the third document (the document in 4 portions above, from 1994) has more information on technical standards for equipment in the amateur service, frequency/band allocations (including acceptable repeater and simplex frequencies in the 144, 222, and 430 MHz bands), and other details that are to be read along with the 1988 documents. 

All PDF files require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. 

If you are not fluent in Spanish, or only need an outline of the privileges and bands available to amateur operators in Mexico, please read this summary I have prepared. 

WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Mexican (XE) ham-radio permits