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family - arend, amy and mieke

handsomearend.jpg (21841 bytes)My brother, Arend, graduated from MSU in Material Science and Engineering, worked for Hitachi in their magnet division in Edmore, Michigan for about two years before joining Hoskins Manufacturing Company near Ann Arbor, Michigan (in Hamburg).  He has since moved to Muskegon, MI to continue his career with a company call Johnson Technologies, a division of GE's Aircraft Engine business.

Arend married to his college girlfriend, Amy, in June 1998. It was a huge, beautiful wedding and everyone had a wonderful time. If there is one thing that Arend and Amy know how to do, it is how to throw a great party! Though he and I only speak once every couple of months and rarely see each other, I feel pretty close with him. Arend and I are only a little over a year apart in age and practically did everything together while growing up.

hidad.jpg (6024 bytes)On December 31, 2000, Arend and Amy brought Mieke Hailey Hart into the world.  She is a real cutie and was the second in what is becoming a long line of girl grand children to Anne and Don Hart. 

When Arend got a new car, it came the end of a legacy for all of us...  that big yellow station wagon finally rolled out of our lives.  It was a moment that touched us all... Arend marked the occassion with an email message of rememberence.

Check out more photos of Arend and Amy in my Gallery o' Photos pages or find out more straight from the source -- Arend has his own web site at

Below are a bunch of photos of Arend's wedding showing many of his friends who stood with him and Amy.