
Vandebilt Catholic High School

W. Dupre


Toy Research Project

Final Proposal - Guidelines


Written Proposal (Point Value 30 points):


1) Title page:    Should include the names of the team members, the title of the project (which includes the toy's name), school name, instructor's name, and date.

                        An example of a title might be, "Three In A Row: The Physics of Toss Across". The title page should be colorful and should include graphics.


2) Introduction:             Your abstract should serve as the basis of your introduction. It should include an attention grabber, a discussion of why this toy was selected, and explain what will be in the rest of the proposal.


3) History of the Toy:    This section should take the reader on an historical journey from the toy's inception to present. This is to include a discussion of any precursors to the toy's present version. Origins of the idea for the toy, how the toy is manufactured, and any odd or unusual facts about the toy should be included.


4) Physics of the Toy:   A complete discussion of all physics concepts on which the toy is based or that is inherent in the toy's operation. Be thorough in your discussions; do not try to just get by.


5) Experimentation:       You are to design an experiment, incorporating your toy that tests a physics principle. In this section you should include; the purpose of your experiment (What are you trying to find or prove?), how your toy will be used, a list of materials needed for the experiment, a detailed procedure that will be followed during the experiment, and a list of the data that will be collected in the experiment (blank data table).


6) Sources Cited Page:             This page is to include bibliographical information on all the sources cited in your proposal. You may use any ACCEPTABLE format to list these sources. You are only to list sources that are cited in your proposal. There should be several sources that are cited (It is not wise to use one or two sources when doing research.). In your proposal you may use internal notation, foot notes, or end notes to credit your sources. Use the method with which you are most comfortable.


7) Graphics:                  The paper must include visuals. These visuals may be pictures, drawings, charts, graphs, tables, etc. These visuals may appear in any section of the proposal.


8) Format:                                Use one inch margins on all four sides. Use regular Times New Roman 12 point font for the body of your work. You should label each section of the proposal using BOLD 16 point Times New Roman Font.



Oral Presentation: (Point Value – 20 points)


1)      All team members must have an equal - active (speaking) role in the presentation. For teams who have members in different class periods, separate presentations will be made at each period by only the team member(s) that attend that period.


2)      The presentation will be a minimum of 5 minutes in length.


3)      The research toy should be on display during the presentation.


4)      Presenters will briefly discuss the history of their toy from inception to present, being sure to include any odd and interesting facts.


5)      Presenters will explain several physics concepts prevalent in the toys operation. The explanations are to be supported by visual demonstrations using the toy.


6)      In addition to the toy, the presentation is to be enhanced by the inclusion of other visuals such as, posters, models, videos, etc. These visuals are not meant to be for display purposes only; they should be incorporated into the presentation.


7)      Give a brief summary of the experiment you will be performing with your toy in the fourth quarter.


8)      Concluding remarks.



You may note that the point values for this section of the research project have increased. I believe that what I am requiring you to accomplish is worth more points than I had originally proposed and in the spirit of fairness I have increased it.