Vandebilt Catholic High School
W. Dupre


  1. Draw the following vectors with the proper magnitude and direction. Be sure to note the scale.

           a. 100 m S

           b. 63 N NW

           c. 45 m/s2 30O EoS


  1. Use the protractor and metric ruler to add the following vectors graphically. Be sure to use a "set up" and indicate the scale being used. You must also solve a, b, & c analytically.

  1. You drive your car 65 km due east and then turn and drive 32 km due north. What is your resulting displacement?
  2. A camper leaves camp in the morning and hikes 5 km due east. He then changes direction and hikes 4 km due south. How far and in what direction from the camp is the camper now located?
  3. Determine the resultant displacement of an amoebae that has traveled 100 mm due west and then turns and travels 60 mm due south.
  4. A car travels 20 km due north and then 35 km in a direction 60 degrees west of north. Determine the magnitude and direction of the car's resultant displacement.