
Vandebilt Catholic High School

W. Dupre

Work & Power: Answers to Assignment Problems

Regular Physics (pp. 212 – 215)

  1. 800 J
  1. 59.9 kg
  1. 0.8 J

6 a) 25 N/m b) 0.5 J

9) 12035.4 J

10) 58.7O

  1. zero
  2. 7.7 J

16) 800 J; 588 J

  1. 9000 J; 3000 W

20) 255 J; 127.5 W

21) 110.5 J; 3.16 W

23) 159.5 W

  1. 2892 N

Level 1: Worksheet

  1. 900 J; -900 J; 0.383

10) 4704 J

  1. 79.4 N; 1492.2 J: -1492.2 J

17) 16 J; 36.8O

  1. 3 J

24) 24 J; -3 J; 21 J

  1. 1.59 kJ

54) 9800 (60 W bulbs)

59) 6465.3 N

61) 1634 W

75) You may omit this problem since we have not yet covered energy. If you attempted, here are the answers.

    1. (2 + 24t2 + 72t4) J
    2. 12t m/s2 ; 48t N
    3. (48t + 288t3) W
    4. 1248 J

83) W = mgh