Despite no longer being Queen of Naboo, Senator Padmé Amidala was still tended to by a loyal cadre of handmaidens that served as bodyguards and decoys during the galaxy's tumultuous times of uncertainty. Cordé died in the line of duty when would-be assassin Zam Wesell attacked the Naboo Royal Cruiser on its arrival on Coruscant. Cordé was posing as Senator Amidala, while the actual Padmé hid as a starfighter pilot flying escort for the craft. Cordé died on that fog-shrouded platform, apologizing to Padmé with her dying breath. Cordé could more properly be described as a bodyguard, and she is highly trained in that regard.
She's played by Veronica Segura. After training and spending a few years on stage in the U.S., Veronica Segura moved to Australia and appeared in a number of independent films and the television mini-series Tribe. Her most recent work includes the films The Office, BPM and Mr. Drug Buddy.
Episode 2
The huge explosion.
"... I'm sorry, m'lady... I'm... not sure I..."
   This vote is very important. You did
   your duty and Cordé did hers. Now
   come. M'Lady, please!