Three Brides for Three Brothers
The Davids of Quebec
The three David brothers; Claude, Jacques and Guillaume; arrived in New France before 1650; and all were later married to Filles a Marier; the single girls sponsored by various companies, churches and seigneurs, to help increase the population of the small colony
The brothers were from Rouen, Normandy, France; sons of Blaise Julien David and Flavie Morel.  Young and energetic, they should have been very successful, except for one thing.  They were Hugenots.
Not feeling terribly welcomed, they decided to try their luck in New Amsterdam (now New York), which was run by the West India Company.  Since the Dutch never tried to hide that fact that their interest in the 'New World' was purely financial; they supported religious freedom and open trade. However, they were also often aggressive  toward the Native populations, so the political climate was hostile at best.

Therefore, the boys decided to go back to Quebec, and were confirmed into the Catholic faith on August 10, 1659.  Claude married Susan Denoyen and had two boys.  He settled at Trois Rivieres.  Jacques married Marie Grandry, had seven children and settled at Chateau Richer.  Guillaume married Marie Armand, had six children and settled first at Trois Rivieres and then Sorel.
Suzanne Denyon
Suzanne Denyon was born in 1630 in Pons, Saintonge, France; the daughter of Jean Denyon and Jeanne Francfort.  She arried in New France as a Fille a Marier and was married to Claude David in 1649 at Trois Rivieres.   The couple had two boys:

Michel David - Was born on April 9, 1650 and died March 10, 1692.  He married Francoise Raclos in Chateau Richer.

Barthemi David - Was born in 1659 and died as an infant.
Marie Grandry
Marie Grandry was born in 1646 at St-André-des-arts, De Archev., Paris; the daughter of Claude Grandry and Jeanne Toussaine.  She arrived in New France as a Filles A Marier and married Jacques David on August 29, 1662 in Chateau Richer.  The couple had seven children:

Marie David - Was born on December 5, 1663 and died March 6, 1706.  She married Noel Faveron and had three children.  She then married Jacques Boutret and had one child and Joseph Broderie and had one child.

Marie-Jeanne David - Was born in 1664 and died as an infant.

Jean David - Was born on October 12, 1665 and died on April 8, 1703.  He married Marie-Anne Prevost and had six children.

Marguerite David - Was born on November 2, 1667 and died unknown.  She married Joseph Lesot and had two children and Pierre Chapelain and had four children.. 

Jeanne David - Was born on November 5, 1669 and died November 11, 1698.  She married Germain Gagnon and had five children.

acques David - Was born on December 22, 1670 and died unknown.  He became a military surgeon at Louisbourg and while in Acadia married Jeanne De La Tour, granddaughter of Charles De La Tour and Jeanne Motin. Jeanne's father, Jacques was also a stepbrother to Jeanne D'Aprentisguy De La Tour.  Jacques had two children.

Anne David
- Was born on June 9, 1672 and died May 7, 1711.  She married Vincent Gagnon and had eleven children.
Marie Armand
(1638 - 1711)
Marie Armand was born in 1638 at St. Eloi Parish in Rouen, Normandy, France; the daughter of Jean Armand and Marie Mayrie.  She arrived in New France as a Filles a Marier and was married to Guillaume David in 1656 at Trois Rivieres.  The couple would have six children:

Jacques David - Was born on October 23, 1657 and died died in 1710.  He married Catherine Lussier and had seven children.

Anne David - Was born on November 30, 1659 and died three weeks later on December 21.

Marguerite David - Was born on April 13, 1661 and died unknown.

Marie-Anne David - Was born on December 16, 1663 and died unknown.

Madeliene David - Was born on February 15, 1666 and died on February 3, 1715.

Angelique-Marie David - Was born on May 1, 1678 and died unknown.
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