A Marriageable Young Girl
Francoise Lelievre
Francoise Lelievre was born about 1636 in Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, France; the daughter of Christophe Lelievre and Georgette Clement.  She arrived in the Quebec Colony as a Filles A Marier, contracted to be the bride of Gabriel Gosselin.  They were married August 18, 1653 in Ville De Quebec.

Gabriel was born about 1626 in Combray, Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy, France; the son of Nicolas Gosselin and Marguerite Dubreuil.  He and Francoise would have eleven children before her death on September 28, 1677 in the Parish of St. Pierre on Ile De Orleans.  Gabriel followed on July 07, 1687.
The Next Generation
Ignace Gosselin - Was born in 1654 and died on April 11, 1727 in the Parish of St. Laurent, Ile De Orleans, Quebec.  He married Marie-Anne Ratte and the couple had thirteen children.

Guillaume Gosselin - Was born on October 07, 1657 and died as an infant on December 12, 1657 in St. Laurent.

Michel Gosselin - Was born on June 12, 1659 and died on January 17, 1703 in St. Pierre.  He married Marie-Michelle Miville and the couple had thirteen children.

Francois Gosselin - Was born on February 14, 1661 and died on May 20, 1745 in St. Pierre.  He married Marie-Charlotte Cote and the couple had at least two children.

Gabriel Gosselin II - Was born on May 12, 1662 and died on December 11, 1700 in St. Pierre.  He married Marie-Madeleine Pichet and the couple had at least one child.

Francois-Amable Gosselin - Was born on May 21, 1664 and died on October 08, 1704 in Ville De Quebec.  He married Francoise Labrecque and the couple had at least three children.

Jean-Baptiste Gosselin - Was born on February 07, 1665 in Ville De Quebec and died on March 11, 1733 at Cap-St-Ignace.  He married Marie Cadieux and the couple had at least one child.

Francois-Gabriel Gosselin - Was born on February 14, 1666 in Ville De Quebec and died unknown in St. Pierre.

Genevieve Gosselin - Was born on September 11, 1667 in St. Pierre.  She became a nun with the Augustine Sisters at Hotel Dieu and died in Ville De Quebec on January 07, 1739.

Francoise Gosselin - Was born on August 13, 1670 and died on August 02, 1674 in St. Pierre.

Hyacinthe Gosselin - Was born in 1672 and died unknown in St. Pierre.
Filles A Marier
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