Build It and They Will Come
The Grand Recruitment
By 1650, Montreal and Ville Marie were in serious trouble.  They were under constant attack by the Iroquois and since there were only a few dozen Frenchmen left to defend the colony (many more had returned to France), the few settlers often sought refuge at the fort.

Finally in desperation, Maisonneuve told
Jeanne Mance that he was going back to France, and if he couldn't return with at least 100 new recruits, he wouldn't return at all.  He then set sail on November 5, 1651; and would be away for two years.   Before he left, Jeanne gave him the name of her secret benafactress, and after meeting with her, he managed to obtain an additonal 20,000 livres, without revealing that he knew her secret.  Jeanne had already given him 22,000 livres from her hospital fund, and the members of the Société de Notre-Dame-de-Montréal, were able to raise an additonal 75,000 livres.  So now with the necessary funds,  De Maisonneuve and De la Dauversière, began to scour the country for brave souls willing to emigrate.
Besides soldiers and labourers, the settlement needed medical staff, teachers and spiritual instructors, and when visiting his family in Troyes, the name of Marguerite Bourgeoys was presented to Maissoneuve as a good candidate to head up the educational system.  His sister, Louise de Chomedy, (Louise de Sainte-Marie) was a nun with the Congregation of Notre-Dame, and she arranged a meeting for her brother.  It would mark the beginning of a long career for Marguerite in Montreal, and her contributions to the fledging colony were numerous.
De Maisonneuve must have been impressed with her from the beginning, since he left her to oversee the loading of merchandise, while he took care of some personal business.  Finally, the Saint-Nicolas-de-Nantes, under Captain Pierre le Besson, left the port of Saint-Nazaire, a town located about 60 km from Nantes, on June 20, 1653;  with 122 passengers on board, including the crew.  Most on board were men, but there were also a few nuns and "marriagable young girls.
In Montreal, Jeanne Mance was becoming anxious, having not heard a word from Maisonneuve.  In his absence,  Charles-Joseph d’Ailleboust des Muceaux was responsible for defending Montreal and though the Iroquois continued to launch raids, he had managed to keep everyone fairly safe, with the help of Sergeant-Major Lambert Closse, and his famous dog, Pilote.

Unfortunately, the Saint-Nicolas had experienced many difficulties, and finally had to be abandoned, and the passengers delayed several weeks on a nearby island until a replacement vessel could be found.  When they finally landed at Cape Diamond on September 22, 1653, all were glad to be standing on dry land; shaken but still alive.  The ship did not fare so well, and according to Marguerite Bourgeoys, was in such terrible condition that it was set on fire and "the recruits watched as the ship that had brought them to New France was destroyed in the middle of the river!"  I'm sure their cheers could be heard for miles.
The Fourteen Brave Women
ARTUS, Michelle - Noyen-sur-Sarthe
BOURGEOYS, Marguerite - Troyes (Aube / Champagne-Ardenne)
DUMESNIL, Marie - La Flèche (Sarthe / Pays de la Loire)
HURAULT, Catherine - La Flèche (Sarthe / Pays de la Loire)
LORGUEIL, Marie - Cognac (Charente / Région Poitou-Charentes)
LORION, Catherine - Saint-Soulle (Charente-Maritime / Poitou-Charentes)
MERRIN, Jeanne - Poitiers (Vienne / Poitou-Charentes)
MEUNIER, Perrine - Nantes (Loire-Atlantique / Pays de la Loire)
PINSON, Marie-Marthe - La Flèche (Sarthe - Pays de la Loire)
RENAUD, Marie - Orléans (Loiret - Région Centre)
RENAUDIN, Marie - Nantes (Loire-Atlantique / Pays de la Loire)
ROUSSELIER, Jeanne - Moëze (Charente-Maritime / Poitou-Charentes)
SOLDÉ, Jeanne - La Flèche (Sarthe / Pays de la Loire)
VOIDY, Jeanne - Saint-Germain-du-Val (Sarthe / Pays de la Loire)
The Recruits
AUDRU, Jacques - Paris (Seine) - Land-clearer
AUGER dit LE BARON, Jean - Chemiré-en-Charnie (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
AVERTY dit LÉGER, Maurice - La Flèche (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
BAREAU dit LAGOGUE, Pierre - La Flèche (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
BASTARD, Yves - Land-clearer
BAUDREAU dit GRAVELINE, Urbain - Clermont-Créans (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
BAUDRY dit L'ÉPINETTE, Antoine - Chemiré-en-Charnie - Land-clearer and nail-maker
BEAUDOUIN, Olivier - Land-clearer
BÉLIOT, Charles-Jean - St-Jean-de-Lamothe (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
BENOIT dit LIVERNOIS, Paul - Châtillon-en-Bazois (Nièvre) - Carpenter
BENARD dit BOURJOLI, René - Villiers-au-Bouin (Indre-et-Loire) Land-clearer
BITEAU dit ST-LAURENT, Louis - Clermont-Créans (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
BOIVIN dit PANSE, Jacques - Jarzé (Maine-et-Loire) - Land-clearer
BONDY, René - Dijon (Côte-d-Or) - Carpenter
BOUCHARD, Étienne - Paris (Seine) - Surgeon

BOUVIER, Michel - La Flèche (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and mason
BOUZÉ, Pierre - Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
BRASSIER, Jacques - Unknown
BROSSARD, Urbain - La Flèche (Sarthe) - Mason and land-clearer
CADET, René - St-Germain-d=Arcé (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
CADIEUX, Jean - Pringé-sur-Loir (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and locksmith
CHARTIER dit ROBERT, Guillaume - La Flèche (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and tailor
CHARTIER, Louis - Surgeon
CHAUDRONNIER, Jean - Bailleul (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
CHAUVIN dit le Grand-Pierre, Pierre - Vion (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and miller
CHEVALIER, Louis - Caen (Calvados) - Land-clearer and cobbler

CHEVASSET, Antoine - Land-clearer
CRUSSON dit PILOTE, François - Land-clearer
DANIS dit TOURANGEAU, Honoré - Montlouis (Indre-et-Loire) - Carpenter
DAUBIGEON, Julien - Clisson (Loire-Atlantique) - Land-clearer and labourer
DAVOUST, Jean - Clermont-Créans (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and hatmaker
DENIAU, Jean - Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) - Land-clearer and top sawer
DENIAU dit DESTAILLIS, Marin - Luché-Pringé (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
DESAUTELS dit LAPOINTE, Pierre - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) - Land- clearer
DESORSON, Zacharie - Carpenter and top sawer
DESPRÉS dit BERRI, Simon - Blois (Loire-et-Cher) - Land-clearer
DOGUET, Louis - Luché-Pringé (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
DOUSSIN, René - Top sawer

DUCHARME dit LAFONTAINE, Fiacre - Paris (Seine) - Carpenter
DUVAL, Nicolas - Forges-en-Brie (Seine-et-Marne) - Land-clearer
FONTAINE dit Le Petit Louis, Louis - Top sawer
FRESNOT, Jean - Ruillé-en-Champagne (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and roofer
FRUITIER, Jean - Land-clearer
GAILLARD dit LEPRIEUR, Christophe - Verron (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and gardener
GALBRUN, Simon - Verron (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
GASTEAU, Jean - Clermont-Créans (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
GAUDIN dit CHASTILLON, Pierre - Chatillon-sur-Seine (Côte d=Or) - Carpenter
GENDRON dit LA ROLANDIÈRE, Guillaume - Blain (Loire-Atlantique) - Butcher and roofer
GERVAIS, Jean - Souvigné (Indre-et-Loire) - Land-clearer and baker
GRÉGOIRE, Louis - Land-clearer
GUERTIN dit LE SABOTIER, Louis - Daumeray (Maine-et-Loire) - Land-clearer and clog-maker

GUYOT, Jean - Villiers-au-Bouin (Indre-et-Loire) - Land-clearer
HARDY, Pierre - Bailleul (Sarthe) - Labourer and land-clearer
HOURAY dit GRANDMONT, René - Azay-le-Rideau (Indre-et-Loire) - Land-clearer
HUDIN, François - La Flèche (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and baker
HUNAULT dit DESCHAMPS, Toussaint - St-Pierre-ès-Champs (Oise) - Land-clearer
HURTEBISE (or HURTIBISE), André - Rouessé-Vassé (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
HURTEBISE (or HURTIBISE), Marin - Rouessé-Vassé (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
JANNEAU (ou JANNOT) dit LACHAPELLE, Marin - La Chapelle-Monthodon (Aisne) -Carpenter
JETTÉ, Urbain - Saint-Germain-le-Val (Sarthe) - Top sawer, mason and land- clearer
JOUANNEAU, Mathurin - Aubigné-Racan (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
JOUSSELIN (ou JOSSELIN), Nicolas - Solesmes (Sarthe) - Land-clearer

JOUSSET dit LALOIRE, Mathurin - Saint-Germain-d=Arcé (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
LAIRT (ou LERT), Étienne - Villaines-sous-Malicorne (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
LANGEVIN dit LACROIX, Mathurin - Le Lude (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
LA SOUDRAYE, Louis - Land-clearer
LAUZON, Gilles - Caen (Calvados) - Land-clearer and kettle-maker
LECOMTE, Jean - Chemiré-en-Charnie (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
LECOMTE, Michel - Chemiré-en-Charnie (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
LEFEBVRE dit LAPIERRE, Pierre - Paris (Seine) - Land-clearer
LEMERCHER dit LAROCHE, Jean - Paris (Sarthe) - Carpenter
LEPALLIER, Joachim - Clermont-Créans (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
LEROY (ROY), Simon - Ligron (Sarthe) - Land-clearer

LOUVARD dit DESJARDINS, Michel - Parcé, Mayenne -Miller and land-clearer
MARTIN dit LAMONTAGNE, Olivier - Auray (Morbihan) - Land-clearer and mason
MARTIN dit LARIVIÈRE, Pierre - Sainte-Colombe (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
MILLET dit LE BEAUCERON, Nicolas - Neuville-aux-Bois (Loiret) - Carpenter and top sawer
MILLOT (or MILHAUT) dit LAVAL, Jacques - Crouzille (Mayenne) - Land-clearer
MOTAIN (or MOTAIS), Guy - Meslay-du-Maine (Mayenne) - Land-clearer
MOULIÈRES, Pierre - Mareuil (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and toolmaker
MOUSSEAU dit LAVIOLETTE, Jacques - Azay-le-Rideau (Indre-et-Loire) - Land-clearer
NAIL, Jacques - Solesmes (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
NOCHER, François - Chemiré-en-Charnie (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
OLIVIER dit LE PETIT BRETON, Jean - Chemiré-en-Charnie (Sarthe) - Land-clearer

PAPIN, Pierre - Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
PICARD dit LAFORTUNE, Hugues - Pont-James (Loire-Atlantique) - Land-clearer & top sawer
PICHARD, Jean - Rouez (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
PIRON dit LAVALLÉE, François - La Suze (Sarthe) - Locksmith and land-clearer
PIRON, Pierre - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) - Digger and surgeon
PRESTROT dit LAVIOLETTE, Jean - Parcé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and miller
RAGUIDEAU dit ST-GERMAIN, Pierre - La Flèche (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
RENNES dit PACHANE, Bertrand de - Land-clearer
ROBIN dit DESFORGES, Étienne - Land-clearer
ROBUTEL DE ST-ANDRÉ, Claude - Frencq (Pas-de-Calais)
RODAILLER, René- - Land-clearer
ROGER, Christophe - Clermont-Créans (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
ROINAY, François - Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
TAVERNIER dit LAFORÊT, Jean - Roëzé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and weapon maker

THÉODORE dit GILLES, Michel - Tours (Indre-et-Loire) - Land-clearer and digger
VACHER dit ST-JULIEN, Sylvestre - St-Julien-sur-Cher (Loire-et-Cher) - Carpenter
VALLETS (or VALLAYS), Jean - Teillé (Sarthe) - Land-clearer
VALIQUET dit LAVERDURE, Jean - Le Lude (Sarthe) - Land-clearer and locksmith
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