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:. Migrain

(Verse 1)
Dont get me wrong
I like you very much
Just your on my nerves
I just want you to shut up
You giving me a head-ache
Everything Drives me nuts
Why dont you go away
And leave me by myself
This migrain in my head
Its all because of you
I know you feel great
To see me in this pain
I wish it was you
Feeling all my pain
This migrain in my head
Driving me insane
I take back my words
Dont like you at all
Goin on with out you
Thank fuck for that
Now that im gone
My head is very clear
Now becoming sane
Seeing oh so much more
This migrain in your head
Its all because of me
You know i feel great
To see you in this pain
You wish it was me
Feeling all your pain
This migrain in your head
Its driving you insane


© 2004 ContagiouS design by Dylan Mombourquette