Our Glitter

Our Map
Our Flyer
Our Shoppe!

Related Glitter

Poetic Terrorism
Fairy Love
Dragon Wings
Fairy Wings
The Faerie Tree
Kissed By Pixies
Dream Angels
My Fairy Workshop
Faerie Grove
Firefly Path
The Bitter Leaf
Dainty Jane's Handmades
Faeries, Ink
Weeping Willow Designs

Contact Us!



What We're All About

We are here to bring faery magic to the world. To spread the joy and laughter and glitter of the faeries to everyone we can reach. Some don't believe in faeries and they need their eyes opened! So help us to reach everyone we can and hopefully thw world will be a better place! Add yourself to our map, follow the link to the side. :) We can stay in touch and see how each of us is doing in our attempts to spread faery glamour and happiness. :)

"With all the tragedy in the world we need more light and rainbows, more glitter and sunshine, more magic and fairies to believe in, to keep us happy."
- Yma

Why May 15th? Well, May 15th happens to be the Flower Moon. Fairies love flowers! So, what is a more appropriate day?(Besides the actual fairy day - but that's for next year!)
Check out the links in "Related Glitter" for handcrafted wings for you to buy. They are all beautiful and very worthy of any winged creature to don!:)
Come join us on Livejournal! We have our very own community on Livejournal at Glitterbombers. Come join us and share your tales about this day. We want to hear from everyone about how they're doing. :) We hope to see you there!

Make wings to hand out!
You can make wings using small craft feathers, paper, beads, whatever you want! We will provide some basic patterns soon for you to use if you are not sure where to get started. :)
If you want to give out more permanent wings make t-shirts! Follow the link to the side for the pattern to use. It fits all on one peice of transfer paper. We will have specific directions soon. :)

Making wings of any type can be difficult. With the kind help of the people at Melt Magazine we have here a tutorial teaching you how to make your own wings of any type!
We have here directions on how to make mini-wings to hand out to people! Thanks muchly to Jenn for this tutorial!! If you have suggestions, tips, tricks or anything else to add please contact one of us and we will be glad to post your information.