"What would we want to be prefects for?" Said George looking revolted at the very idea. "It'd take all the fun out of life."

Name: George Weasley. One of the infamous Weasley twins and Ron's older brother.

Series: Harry Potter

Actor: Oliver Phelps. He's one of the floating heads, not sure which. My educated guess is over the one I labeled 'George' but you never know. He is played George in all three Harry Potter movies.

Birthday/Age: April 1 is their birthday. What a coincidence, huh? George and his twin brother Fred are currently 18ish in the series as of book 5. They are probably 19 now. They are two years older then Ron, one of the trio in the series.

Nicknames: Gred and Forge.

Description: George is a prankster through and through. Him and Fred have been experimenting with magical jokes forever. He is a tall red haired freckled Weasly child. He never made prefect and only gained three OWLs but as we readers see is really quite brilliant do to the amazing gag gifts aka Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Interesting Facts: Well Fred and him left there last year of scool early to start a joke shop. He is one of the most loved characters in Harry Potter. He is the fourth or fifth *depending on birth order* of the weasly children. OH! He was also one of the Gryffindor Beaters on teh Quidditch team.

Why is he a lustee?: Who does not love George?! What would LL be like without Fread and George shrines!

Fellow Lusters: Well, there are Oliver Phelps lusters, there are George Weasley lusters, and there are those who lust after both. I know Mina is a big fan. So Mina makes this list!

Owner: Oliver owns himself. Although there are probably 10000000 girls who would love to own him... and George Weasly is owned by none other then JK Rowling.

Links: The Dueling Club

Double Trouble :: James and Oliver Phelps fansite
Maurader's Map... Desire...Weasley family Fan!George Weasley Fan! The Order of the Phoenix Fan!

Anything else to add? New category needed? Are you a luster that wants to be listed?
Contact me and I'll see what I can do!

Luscious Lustees
