We now have our own award!
Read the following requirements, and if you think you qualify, APPLY!!

  1. You must have a web page dedicated to your engagement or marriage.
  2. There can be no broken links or graphics that don't load.
  3. Your page must load fairly quickly.
  4. You must be a member of this webring, OR apply to become part of the Two become One Webring (you can do that here), either when you apply or when you receive this award. **see note below**
  5. Your page must be nicely designed.. i.e. easy to navigate, fun and/or interesting (if I get bored within the first 60 seconds of visiting your page, you won't get the award), and PERSONALLY DESIGNED (you didn't commission anyone else to design your site)

**NOTE: After applying, you will receive an email telling you if you've won the award. At that time, if you are not already a member of the ring, you must first apply to become part of the ring before you may attain the graphic for the award. Ring members will automatically receive the graphic.**

So do you qualify? Then APPLY! =)

If you DON'T want to be a part of this web ring, you may apply for our other award. Ring members may apply for both.

Two become One Award Application

Webpage Address:
How did you find out about this award?

Brief description of your webpage and why you should win this Award: