The WeBL University
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This institution aims to improve the level of WeBL by providing a place where gyms of all skill levels can come to study the game. Courses are classified under 4 levels: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. This denotes the level of the information contained within, from newbie to elite. Most of the core curriculum was written by Retired Dean Kidney Shots, but we are always accepting new material (even rewrites of some of our basic stuff, if you find it lacking). Any documents on WeBL can be submitted, and if we use them as part of our site (and chances are we will), the submitting gym will be given the honorary title of "Professor of WeBL University" and listed as part of our faculty. A wish list of courses we would like to have is posted, if anyone is at a loss for ideas.


WeBL University Class Listings

(The Good Stuff)

WeBL University Bookstore

(Other Helpful WeBL Pages)

WeBL University Class Wish List

(Need An Idea For A Topic To Write About?)



        To become a member of the faculty, simply submit a helpful document on the subject of WeBL, anything from strategy or scouting to etiquette or history of the game, to the following e-mail address:

You will be given credit as a full Professor on our faculty, and the knowledge that you have contributed to knowledge of the game.


WeBL University would also like to acknowledge the many people who make the wonderful game of WeBL possible, as well as the people who have worked hard to teach people about the game and improve quality of play throughout WeBL.


Faculty Members:
Dean Russian Rockets
Former Dean Kidney Shots
Professor Peekaboo
Professor Multigymnerz
Professor Trafford
Professor Canine
Professor Shooter
Professor Pritch
Professor HoC
Professor Bruce2