Welcome To:

Glad you could make it. Those of you who waste the time to come here often will probably be thrilled to see that we have finally managed to update the website. Yeah, yeah, we've been told many times. Looking at the old website was about as exciting as watching paint dry. But fear not. Bobo, our artist extrordinaire and chief onion farmer has just returned from his expedition looking for snails in the Andes. Once we beat the misquitoes out of him and get him away from his Nintendo he will be more than happy to supply you, our victim, with some high quality art

Just so you know, it might take us a little time to get the whole new site ready to go. So you might have to be a little patient. Until then, if you need a good laugh, we highly recomend going to a mall and super-glueing a quarter to the floor. This creates all sorts of gleeful chaos for your pleasure. Till next time.

-Webmeister Guido-

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