STD Hosting!!
Customer Testimonials
"STD Hosting is great! I got an STD account the other night and now, I don't have to worry about downtime!
The customer service is even better! I tell all my friends that I have an STD account, and I'm the highlight of the party. Ever since I got an STD, no one picked on me at school! No ugly chicks came near me! I had the whole lunch table to myself!"
Cameron, age 17
                                      STD User since 2004
-Super Silver Package
- $30 per month
- Free GeoCities account
- Select from 55 original templates
- Free Yahoo! cPanel
- Super Caucasian Package
- $69.00 per month
- All Super Silve Package PLUS
- 100 KB OF SPACE!
- Super STD Package
- All Packages above
- Free InvisionFree hosting
- Select from 12 SUPER fonts you can use on your website


24 Hour Customer Service:
This server has a fallout shelter...