<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/websitesforfun/butterfly.mid">
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vze is protected by law by omarjamal_123@hotmail.com
this web site is unbalable if you hacked this site is copy right@2002 omar this site is protected by law to flurting in it or other stuff this site is just to look at or what ever i know but i well not flurt with foolish ness i am tired of people flurting around this chat is for your own right if you want to visit it if not dont visit this site
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gif you have web camera then you can start the web camera link with your friend with it tell him to come to this site if you and him want ti see each others face with the web camera
cclick the logo to start web camera with a friend

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please if you are a member of this web site in the msn chat of mines that i made you may be host or owner thank you
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