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      The War: Capitalism Does It Again

    So the dogs of war have finally been unleashed. It is now clear that this was always the intention of Bush, the titular head of US corporate capitalism, and his British counterpart Blair. They cynically allowed the diplomatic wrangling to go on at the UN so as buy them time to get their forces massing on the borders of Iraq up to full fighting strength. This done, the diplomats were brushed aside and the generals given the go-ahead.

    This war is not being fought to overthrow a brutal dictator nor even to stop the spread of chemical and biological weapons (anxious as are countries like the US and Britain to maintain their monopoly of such weapons). It is being fought over a key energy source-oil, of which Iraq has the second biggest reserves after Saudi Arabia-and is aimed at securing control of a steady and plentiful supply of this to meet the growing needs of US capitalism.

    In other words, this war is no different from any of the wars that have taken place in modern times. It's a business war. Capitalism is driven by the competitive struggle for profits between corporations and states. Conflict, economic, political and, as a last resort, military is built-in to capitalism over sources of raw materials, investment outlets, markets, trade routes, and strategic points to control and protect these. When a state judges that its "vital interest"-such as, in particular, to secure access to a key raw material or trade route-is threatened it goes to war, as Iraq did when it invaded Kuwait in 1990 and as America is doing now in invading Iraq.

    Capitalism breeds war, even though most people never want it, at least not until they have been got at by pro-war propaganda that to succeed has to disguise the real, economic and geo-strategic, "war aims" and present them as being in some way humanitarian. This is because people have a healthy horror of war. They know war means death and destruction. Death not only of the soldiers on both sides, but also of women, children and old people as "collateral damage". Destruction not only of military installations and hardware, but also of bridges, roads, power stations, ports, hospitals and other socially-useful constructions. This particular war may be over quickly-the Iraqi armed forces are no match for the US army and its awesome weapons of mass destruction-but it is going to be followed by ethnic cleansing and massacres throughout the region, as Bush and Blair well know but have dismissed (and squared with their Christian consciences) as "a price worth paying" to secure control of oil supplies. Most people's gut reaction is simply that war is crazy.

    Socialists share this anti-war sentiment. It is one of the reasons why we are Socialists-real Socialists that is, not supporters of the sort of state capitalist dictatorships that failed in Russia and Eastern Europe, but advocates of a united world community without frontiers based on all the Earth's resources, natural and industrial, becoming the common heritage of all humanity and being used to satisfy people's needs instead of for profit. We have concluded that capitalism means war and that therefore to get rid of wars and the threat of wars-and the constant preparation for war represented by maintaining armed forces and equipping them with arms-you have got to get rid of capitalism.

    War is completely unnecessary. We are living in a world that has enough resources to provide plenty for all, to eliminate world poverty, ignorance and disease, to provide an adequate and comfortable life for every single man, woman and child on the planet. Yet under capitalism resources are squandered on armaments, of individual as well as of mass destruction, and, as now, in actual war. But even in times of peace-as the armed truce between wars is called-capitalism's pursuit of profit pollutes and plunders the planet and upsets the balance of nature with potentially devastating consequences. The economic law "no profit, no production" applies implacably, resulting in millions dying of starvation and starvation-related diseases every year simply because it is not profitable to produce the food to feed them and, in fact, often while the food that could feed them is destroyed so as to maintain prices and profits.

    As World Socialists, who are opposed to war and to capitalism which breeds it:

    * We extend the hand of friendship to our fellow workers in Iraq who our political masters have designated as the enemy.

    * We pledge ourselves to continue to work for the establishment of a world socialist society of peace and plenty.

    * We call upon fellow workers everywhere to join in the struggle for World Socialism.

    One World, One People! Unite for World Socialism!

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