My Congo African Grey (CAG) Buddies


Click on my picture to hear a .wav file of me asking  for a shower!

MoeMoe is the first Grey who came to live with me forever.   MoeMoe's unsexed as of  yet.   Years ago a roommate had a grey who bonded with me to the point that my roommate got angry with the bird and sold him to someone else as pennance.  Determined to find a CAG who needed me, I answered an ad in the local paper and met MoeMoe.  This was his 2nd home, after the breeder's,  in less than 18 months.  He had a completely bald chest at first and ratty flight feathers.  Since he was just a baby (less that 2) I had great hopes for him.

MoeMoe has come a long way since he came to live here.  First I had to win his trust.  I let him approach me instead of just reaching in and grabbing.  I reweaned him and took him out everyday for longer and longer times.  Now he spends most of the day out of his cage and will NOT shut up.  When the macaws scream he tells them "Hush UP!". 


Einstein came to live with me in February, 2000 at the age of 10 years.  His previous Mom felt that Einie needed more personal and out of cage time and made the difficult decision to allow me to 'adopt' him.  We are working on trust right now but he's coming around.