~PoEtRy~ ~YaHoO BoOtErS~ ~ReCiPeS~ ~GrOwInG GuidE~ ~LiNkS~

Stoner Smurf says: Unfortunately some people will find the contents of this website offensive and/or will not appreciate their children viewing the contents of this website. If you feel that this applies to you then please kindly hit the back button on your browser now.
For the rest of you that are cool with content relating to the usage of marijuana please feel free to give me some feedback. I'd love to know what you think should be on this site. Message me on yahoo: weediequeenie or leave a message in the guestbook. Cheers! Also just to let you know most of the pages on this site are linked to pages from my other websites (kind of like the 'best of' stuff from my other sites. With the exception of the yahoo booters.
I got my growing guide and recipes from the very first website I ever made. I know it looks shitty don't knock it for a first attempt!