Lotsa Luck
(formally The Lotsa Luck Express, Esq.)

Losa Luck

The world's wealthiest Indian, he's the ultimate snob...a hen-high hunk of hauter and an incurable voluptuary.

He inherited his fortune from ancestors, he claims: Montezuma on one side and the Chinese Fortune Cookie Dynasty (who came here from the Asian Migration, that formed the Native American race) on the other.

For years he communicated with the lower species only by scribbling notes and memos...then, bored with the effort, had Wm. F. Buckley's vocal chords cloned and implanted, now deigns to communicate orally...does occasionally revert to scribbling.

He employs a chauffeur and toady-of-all-trades named Drudgeworth.

A victim of chronic ennui, Luck travels extensively, mingling with Royalty and the Glitterati, and tending to his vast interests, which include his Escargo Ranch...but does occasionally pop in on the Poohawk tribe to flaunt his oppulence.

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