Yes, there is poetry. Yes, there is music. But what people do most at Weeds is PARTY! On warm summer nights, the bar and adjoining outdoor patio becomes a hive of the new and unusual. These photos document the transformation from casual bar patron to all-out Weeder., this,..well, he's, um...I mean, it was... um, never mind.
Oh, that's right, it was Halloween, or as it's known around Weeds, "Transvestite Night", though the attire of these two women doesn't really follow the trend, but what the hey...
Mod people "wig out" at the groovy happening at Weeds, while waiting for their karma to stop being bummed out on a bad trip, or something like that.
Celebrity Sighting of the Week
Local resident and television personality Spongebob Squarepants makes his usual Saturday night appearance at Weeds. Mr. Squarepants unfortunately was asked to leave later after drinking too much tequilla, ripping off his pants and yelling at female patrons, "This ain't square, baby!"