I'm sure everyone knows the story of what basically happened on Tuesday September 11, 2001. Each day more news surfaces and more people are rescued. I'm setting up pages of my site right now to show pictures of the tragic event. Please feel free to email me at guitargal187@hotmail.com with any pictures you think should be posted, regardless where they are taken from. Living about an hour away from the WTC you cannot escape tragedy. Everyone i know including myself is affected and many people lost loved ones. We found out that we are not as safe and secure as we thought we were. Realize AT LEAST 4 of our American planes were hi-jacked at the same time by terrotists. What does that say to you?  It tells me security on airports nationwide as well as public buildings are not as secure as we thought and that must be imporved immediately. We are experienceing what is known around the world as a war or the "Attack on America". Your kids are going to ask you many questions about what happened. It will be in THEIR SOCIAL STUDIES TEXTBOOKS! Tell them how you felt, write donw your feelings and express how you feel. Let people know how much you love them. Reports of last minute cell-phone calls were made sending messages of PEACE and LOVE. "I love You" was said not "I Hate You!". What does that mean to you? When People have their last words and minutes on this earth they want people to know they are loved and comforted not to feel bad or mad or angry but to make peace and forgivness.
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- 8:45 Plane hits first tower
- 9:03 Plane hits second tower
- 9:30 Plane hits Pentagon
- 10:05am South Tower Collapses
- 10:28am North Tower Collapses

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United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Please Click Here For A Poem We Wrote And A Dedication. Thank You
You will See This Ribbon Throughtout The WTC Portion Of My Site Reresenting Rememberanceon on
I was at a candle lighting service on 9/15/01 at a busy intersection near the High School. i noticed many cars had American flags tied to them and many people honked their horns, waved, held peace signs, appaulded us, took pictures, chanted, or yelled in pride and patriotism. We cheered the Two ambulances that past, we whistled, chanted and yelled at the passing cars to show support. We held a prayer circle where some prayed and others thought about everything. The point is OUR YOUTH CARES!. We are aware of whats going on and how serious everything is. God Bless The Youth Of America and continue to show support!
Something i won't forget. i was handed a3 ribbons (red white and blue) at the candle lighting service i said thank you to the woman handing them out and she said "No Thank You." that brought chills up my spien and i will not forget that very moment.