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Premium Members Search

All rights reserved.

This is not a Porn-Web but just a cyber area
to give the people the opportunity to express them-selves
publishing their pictures,videos,movies,etc.
Our members are looking for the friends abroad
for fun,relationship and marriage.
Kitty-Club's service is absolutely legal
and not into violate local and international laws
but its members are responsible for their activity of any kind.
Kitty-Club is not responsible for the services advertised
with its Affiliate Links!

Dear Guest,

Kitty Club (*K.C.) is a free based community that unites Straight,Gay and Lesbian People from Belarus who is looking for friends abroad for friendship,romance and dating.

Our standart service is free of charge and you can use it corresponding with other members through K.C. Yahoo!Group,looking for your soul-mate just placing your profile here,participating in some exclusive Dating Projects visiting Belarus as a tourist and much more.

Together with this you can be our Premium Member to get full access to K.C. database placed on this web.
We hope you will enjoy our web and we help you to realize your dreams finding a friends.

Just send your free letter to us to become our Member:

Thank you for your service.
I have been signing up for several dating webs since I started looking for my soulmate last year but only Kitty Club gives a real freedom of communication and choice.
I enjoyed Kitty Club so much.
I've already found my soulmate in U.S. due to their service. It works! That is amazing to communicate with others via K.C. Yahoo!Group.That is really fantastic.
It is very good service.No tricks and bull-shit.Everybody could be sure he or she is corresponding with a real person.
It is well organized web with a services provided and there are so many sexy thing I found.