Welford Road Cemetery

Betty Islip

Betty Islip
Widow of the Rev Francis Islip
of Kibworth
Born June 13 1826
Died March 14 1897.
Jane Wheeler Islip
Dearly loved wife of Francis Legge Islip
died December 27 1965 aged 85 years.

The monument to Mrs Islip includes a sundial - the symbol of passing time.

William Jennings

In remembrance of
William Archibald
The loving husband of Elizabeth Jennings
Who died April 22 1921
Aged 49 years.

William Johnson

Sacred to the memory of
William Johnson
nephew of John Johnson
founder of the Consanguintarium
in Leicester.
Born June 15 1770,
Died January 14 1856.
Also Ruth, wife of
William Johnson
and daughter of
John and Maria Heard
Born August 6 1771
Died December 1 1847.
Also John Flude Johnson
nephew of William Johnson
Born August 27 1800
Died June 13 1857.

Thomas Fielding Johnson

Thomas Fielding Johnson was awarded the "Honorary Freedom of the City" in April 1925. He lived at 266 London Road, a white-brick house noted for its gardens with the rhododendrons that were planted by Fielding Johnson many years ago. In 1919 he presented, as an endowment to the University College, the site and the building that now bears his name to create a living memorial for those who gave their lives
in World War I.

William Joyce

In loving memory of
William Joyce
Born July 29 1869
Died September 2 1898.
Faithful unto Death
Also Zillian, daughter of
William and Eliza Ann Joyce
Born July 24 1898
Died June 7 1899.
This stone
was erected by the engineers and firemen
of the Midland Railway
in memory of William Joyce of Leicester
who met his death in the faithful performance
of his duty in the disastrous accident
at Wellingborough September 2 1898.

On the evening of 2 September 1898 William Joyce was fireman to Edwin Meadows
on the 6.45 express from St Pancras to Manchester. As the train rushed through Wellingborough at a speed of 70mph, two boys pushed a luggage trolley over the edge
of the platform. Although Meadows immediately braked the engine was going too fast and it carried the trolley to the end of the platform and ploughed into an embankment. Several carriages were wrecked, many people injured and six people killed.

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