Larry  is 38 yrs old, about 6'2" tall and 200#...He is dark complected, which comes from the Italian in his blood.... He is a very nice person, kind, caring ,and a good friend. He is a wonderful husband and an awesome dad. He is a mechanic, who is a loyal Ford fan..  YUK!!..*LOL*Of course he spends his time watching  nascar cheering for #88 and #6 ...(wonder how he'd look in the truck??)   You think they ever will race the truck???? As for football; being the loyal person that he is ,he is still a fan of the Chicago Bears!
Well ,as for me..I am also of Italian descent.,much more than Larry..LOL
I am about 5'2" short and 123# and I am a fun kinda person.I am a spontaneous person by nature. I enjoy not having made plans until the last makes life a bit more interesting. I am not so sure Larry will agree with me on that one..*LOL* He does, however, like my sick and sometimes twisted sense of humor. I am a very open minded and also enjoy "me time" In my "me time" I like to read a good book,research things on the net,and just find a quiet spot in the house to hide.Things that interest me are definitley earth / nature related and fantasy .I do not consider my self a religious person..just spiritual.(Big Difference)
Larry is the best husband a girl could want. He is open minded and very supportive in all of my choices/decisions.I couldn't ask for a more understanding, intelligent, likeable man. He makes friends every where he goes!
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