Body And Soul

byFrank Conroy

first published 1993.

Claude Rawlings is a pianist. He's been a pianist since he first discovered, in his basement room, the small white console piano with sixty six keys and a mirror over the keyboard.
How Claude progresses from an under-privileged tinkler of out-of-tune piano keys to a fully accredited composer waiting in the wings while his own, original symphony is introduced, to be played by the London Symphony Orchestra, with himself as soloist, is the scope of this novel...and it is a wide canvas, indeed!
Disciples of this author, enthusiasts of his biography, `Stoptime', will recognise incidents, scenes and characters from the earlier work...yet this IS a work of fiction, albeit based on true times and real-life experiences!And again, I HAVE to say it...this man can WRITE!! He does for the English language what Paint-Shop-Pro has done for Web-authoring...he takes images out of HIS mind and places them, vivid and compete, into yours! A master of the short story, he can etch a scene into your mind with a few deft sentences...a rminiscent phrase or two!
A word of warning, though,....if you have NO musical knowledge at all, much of this book will be hard going, since Conroy takes us right through the learning process into the composing stage with no concession for ignorance. I found myself reaching for the music dictionary, at times, and begging friends for early Schoenberg tapes, without which I couldn't really place myself right at the centre of the action. But music afficionardos, especially those who've progressed all the way with the piano, will ADORE this book, especially those committed few who already KNOW how great is the chasm between enthusiastic, competent amateur and the truly accomplished professional.
My other niggle about this book was that everything was made too easy for Claude, especially in the first half of the story. In fact, one of the main characters actually points this out to him, on page 340.

"...Fredericks started counting on his fingers. "First, the essential musical gift. God-given, if you will. I remember as a child how strange it felt in many ways, and I'm sure you felt the same."
He folded a second finger. "The maestro's generosity and his gift of the Bechstein"
A fourth finger. "Leading into lessons with me, the most expensive piano teacher in the world, probably. And I forgot to mention Weisfeld giving you the basement studio."
A fifth finger. "Your big break with Frescobaldi, which must have felt like sheer luck"
"My scholarship to two good schools, " Claude said.
"The completely accidental but fortuitous fact that your college girlfriend, whom you subsequently marry, is a multimillionaire well able to subsidize your musical activities."
"I agree, I agree," Claude said. "Those things, and other things have been given to me. I am, and always will be grateful."
"I know that, Claude. It's one of the most charming hings about you. A lesser man would resent it."
"Good Lord, no."..............................

Conroy does attempt, in later pages, to have a few rotten things happen to Claude, but the damage, I fear, is done. Somehow this tale just does not ring true.Nor does it progress to a strong, satisfying ending.
And yet, and yet....this author writes so incredibly fluently that there ought to be a masterpiece novel lurking there somewhere, and I'm sure there are others, like me, who've been waiting for it a very long time....26 years, in fact, since `Stop-time burst on the literary scene with its promise of more to come! What appeared, in between, were the slick, vividly written short stories that publications like the `New Yorker' snapped up, and `Midair' a volume of short stories. And, dare I say it...Fank Conroy should, at least on present showing, stick to what he does really well...the short story.
But if there really IS a plot inside this man's head....if, during the next 26 years, he does pull the great novel out of the proverbial hat, I will be right there applauding him....for, like I said, this man can WRITE!!

So...would I recommend `Body And Soul'.?.....well, Yes....and No!
It's not all I hoped it would be....but if you've passed eighth grade piano...and like a good Mills and Boon....you're going to rank this novel as one of the best book you've read....

I haven't, I don't.....and I can't!
But Gee, I WISH I could!

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Copyright © Robin Knight, 1998.