Mainly thumbs.
Sorry if my computer bombed again, but you can e-mail me and chew me out if you want to...(Get it? I probably deserve a good tongue lashing anyhow).
|Meet The Family| ||Painful Poetry Page| |The Wonder Years|
...and mouth
Had to take out the dentures again to remove the foot.
  Things I Hate
 Things I Love
Conventional wisdom
Cottage cheese
me...when I'm a jerk
Alanis Morrisette
Expensive shoes
Irish eyes
M.A.-University of West Florida-Pensacola -Mass Communication
B.A.-Pensacola Christian College (What was I thinking)
Currently: Creative Director-Bates Media
Are you calling me a freak? I think you're calling me a freak! And if you're calling me a freak...

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