Welcome to Jenn's Corner of the Web

I am intelligent, witty and smart...but never redundant!

Who am I, you ask me?

My Hobby Pages

Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear

The Ice Age Book of Baby Names

This is a listing of Jean Auel's characters in her Clan of the Cave Bear books. Listed in alphabetical order, each person is identified by group and family ties.

My Own Muse...

...strikes on occasion!

My Writing : Includes short stories and Fan Fiction. I have written Fan Fiction based on the stories of Jean Auel and JRR Tolkien.

My Poetry: Includes rants, raves, patriotism and tears.

Hey Ma, Where'd I come from?

My Genealogy Page
Dossenko, Spilovoy, Knote, Johnson and Lakoduk.

The Sims 2

I started out with 10 or more families. Now, I have almost 200 Sims. See my family trees and family histories.

Summoner II

Summoner II
Just a list of what Sangaril can steal and Morby can suck!

And, speaking of patriotism.

"There ain't no doubt I love this land..."The U.S. Constitution




My Great-Grandma's Journal A Journey from Halle Germany to Minot, North Dakota

The AOL Mirror. Plains of Passage continued by a group of talented writers. Click here to find out what Fan Fiction writers thought would happen to Ayla and Jondalar once Marona entered the picture. Note: This site is only for fun. This is not Jean's writing.

The Cave Becarooh's great idea.

© 1997 - 2006 jamdoss@aol.com

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