BIG FAT DISCLAIMER It has gradually come to my attention over the past several years or so that Mr. Kilborn is really not the greatest guy in the world, personally. In fact he seems to be what you could accurately describe as an asshole. A painfully attractive asshole, yes, but an asshole nonetheless. I still like but my feelings will never be what they once were. This combined with my complete lack of free time has made regular matinence of this page no longer realistic. I'm leaving up what's here cos old habits die hard. And I do still run the 'List and invite an

The site for Craig's show is up! Check it out.

There is now a paperback out entitled The Daily Show Five Questions. Lots of white space, but it's worth getting just to read Kilby's intro. If you can't find it locally, order it at Amazon.com.

The DailyList
(established and ran by yours truly)
Formerly known as The Daily Show List, but now changed to the more all-encompassing and general title it holds now. This means it can include conversation about the old show, what the people from the old show are doing now, or even the new show, if you're so enclined. Anyway, it's a lot of fun, is the important thing, and is so much better than the dumb thing Dave Blog is running ;)
"Whole lotta questions..." check out the FAQ
Also, Karen was successful in creating a Daily newsgroup! Yay! Read about it or, better yet, visit it (That's alt.tv.comedy-central.daily-show. Remember.)

Links For Your Surfing Enjoyment
It seems like new Daily pages are popping up all the time, but I've linked to some of the better ones here. BTW, do you know anyone who actually refers to it as "surfing the 'Net?" Didn't think so.

  • Craig Central by Sarah, your pal and mine. Pictures, articles, good stuff.

  • Ann has ressurected Stef's old page.

  • Hey, I know Craig fans can be a little obsessive, but do we really need to be instituionalized? Lauren thinks so. Go to her page to find out why. Actually, go anyway. She has almost as many pictures as me, for starters.

  • Whit has a page--yes, it's really him. See it here.

  • Brian's page is obviously worth a visit or two also.

  • The Craig Kilborn WorshipCenter has gotten a lot more stuff on it. It's not just about his time on ESPN anymore.

  • Keith's Craig page. He doesn't really update it on a regular basis anymore (yeah, like I have room to talk, right?) but it's still worth a look. As a guy, he can't really appreciate the sheer, unearthly physical beauty of Craig, but check it out anyway. (Just kidding, I know a lot of Craig's fans are guys.)

  • Mary has set up her own page basically extolling the virtues of Craig.

  • Harvey Sid Fisher. Need I say more?

  • They're not booing, they're saying Lew, Lew.

  • Craig Kilborn Dance Party No explanation needed, I don't think.

  • Ok, I don't know what your level of obsession is, but if you want to check out Hastings, Craig's hometown...

  • Pleeeeeeeeease go to my home page. Then you can see my pages devoted to my other objects of adoration: Bono, the Frasier cast, Dana Carvey, and Conan O'Brien.(I've noticed that lots of Craig fans are also Conan fans. Which is great, now that they're on at the same time.) Or, if you've been wondering if I'm as insane as I seem, you can find that out, too.

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    UpdatedMarch 15, 2001