Things that make me happy...

spending time with close friends... hugs... being up front at concerts... cuddling... eating tiramisu at the olive garden with jules... hot showers... good water pressure... laughing... getting e-mail... big black boots... anonymous good deeds... cherry garcia ice cream... making someone smile... playing my guitar... listening to ani... cool conversations... satin sheets... a warm bed on a cold morning... staying up late... sleeping in... the scent of freshly-washed hair... listening to my discman on my lunch hour... sunshine... a day in the park... good movies... good books... good music... walking through fallen leaves and hearing them crunch beneath my feet... making snow angels... black & white photography... a bedroom to dance in... writing poetry... hearing from a long lost friend... cool greeting cards... a fresh start... a beautiful sunset... a full moon low in the sky... comfy jeans... concert shirts... learning new stuff... a reliable alarm... funnel cakes... smiling at someone i don't know... smoking clove cigarettes... blowing smoke rings... a crisp autumn day... being in a state of hyper fatigue... aromatic candles... butterflies... hot tea with lots of sugar... having a good song stuck in my head... happy memories... getting mail... spiral staircases... realizing i made the right decision... a new book by a favorite author... pachabel canon in d... jeopardy... working with nice people... relaxing in a hammock with a good book... procrastination... relaxing... playing games...a kiss on the forehead... falling asleep in someone's arms... a shoulder to cry on... acceptance... honesty... kindness... dreaming... reading poetry... days off... converse all-stars... forgiveness... letting go... quotes... celestial kleenex boxes... imagination... people who aren't afraid to be themselves... a cold front... flannel... tenderness... bootlegs of ani and melissa ferrick and indigo girls concerts... cool coincidences... feeling a sense of freedom... people who are passionate about something... being understood... cool tattoos... spending quiet time by myself... "spring cleaning"... eating maraschino cherries... tying cherry stems in knots with my tongue... cool professors... lifting someone's spirits... staying up late to finish a book... getting a good parking spot... dried red rose bouquets... realizing i can sleep for another hour... believing that everything will work out... new music by a favorite artist... the sound of ice cubes clinking in a glass... researching a subject that interests me... inspiring lyrics... singing off-key at the top of my lungs on a long drive... the power of song... finding a cool font... christopher durang plays... making a wish and blowing dandelion fuzz... social consciousness... running my fingers through someone's hair... boundless energy...reminiscing with old friends... reading dr. seuss books aloud... remembering a cool dream... quiet reflection... simple courtesies... cool posters... rainbows... living for the moment... walking along the beach at night... whispers in the dark... holding hands during a movie... a clean car... finding driftwood... pleasant distractions... carefully chosen presents... a wish come true... the belief that anything is possible... fingerpainting... a playground with swings... a kindred spirit... laughing so hard i cry... realizing how lucky i am... comfy movie theater seats... riding the merry-go-round... tucking someone in... cool messages on tea bag tags and bottle caps... fortune cookies... a guitar case covered with stickers... dessert as an appetizer... writing in a journal with a fountain pen... picking wild blueberries... getting a package... back rubs... squirrels playing... jumping in a pile of leaves... crazy tangents in conversations... sharing music i like... snow globes... lava lamps... silly putty... cotton candy... cherry dum-dum lollipops... postcards from friends... feely shirts... tank tops... a mellow mood... a good listener... people who don't judge... a good find in the used CD store... going barefoot... glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling... hitting every green light... comfy overalls... meeting new people... sitting in an old wooden school desk... really good acoustics... crustless sandwiches... pens that don't leak... looking at old photographs... powdered sugar on french toast... an open mind... an open heart... laugh lines... curling up in a comforter... a kitten falling asleep on my lap... cinnamon toast... being creative... feeling safe... finding the stillness inside... following my heart... the feeling of being one with all life... feeling at home... feeling at peace... being loved unconditionally by friends... using all lowercase...exclamation points!!!

©1998 Kim Shaver

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