Welcum to diz dick now plez autograph it, thanx.

Rebel girl - 10/24/00 01:54:05
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~psychorebgrl/
My Email:Blue
Your fav movie: None
Your fav time of the day: Night

Cool site

Kriz - 07/02/00 09:47:31
My URL:http://hotsex.com
My Email:Blue
Your fav movie: Me & You
Your fav sexual position: Anything with my girl
Your fav music video: STP "sour girl"
Your fav time of the day: NiTe
Your fav time to peel back the skin an become a new you the person laying within your inner walls.: After work with a beer

Thiz page kicks sum booty it really gets my mojo going that says alot for this place i'm tellin ya kids these days such a riot hardy har har. ~kiss~

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