<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/lindalee73/lulaby.mid">
Linda Lee
I thought I'd die without you, I did die without you.
Who is this person who sits here
and stares at your picture,
Who is this woman who still cries
Whenever she has to, when she needs to, feels like it?
Who is this human being who continues to grieve
Everyday of her life for more than just the
Devastating loss of a precious animal friend?

Yes, I died, but was awakened to a new life. How else to explain this abiding determination, this fighting spirit.
An undying love for that which never died,
Could never die completely.

Pepper, thy soul doth live in mine,
like a burning flame,
'Til the end of time, our spirits entwined
as one.

With love & tears,
Your Mommy

Author:  <Emily Stuparyk>