
Karoline Elizabeth, born in 1983 in the middle of a howling blizzard. Thank God, I was already in the hospital before the blizzard started. If I hadn't been I think we'd have had a home birth. Kari, as we always called her was the largest of all the babies, although not an unusually large child at 8 lbs. 6 oz. The third girl, born 7 years after the first. She was so filled out when she was born and bald as a cucumber. Not a speck of hair anywhere on her little head. She was 17 days overdue, you would have thought she would have at least a few. But look at her now..........just goes to show that what you're born with isn't always the way you end up. She has a full head of beautiful heavy thick natural blonde hair. In temperment she was a great deal like her sister Laura. Extremely playful and happy..........always smiling and laughing. She had a habit of wrinkling up her little nose........so she got the nickname of "piggy nose"........for a short time. I doubt she even remembers it. She was so friendly to everyone and said, "Hi......hi.........hi.........hi........hi" to people until they said "Hi" back. Then she was happy...... Everywhere we went she did the same thing. It became a bit of a headache to take her shopping. She was such an attraction it took forever to get done what we needed to do. This was our roly poly baby......chunky as all get out. Not really fat......just fluffy. Once she started walking she lost the baby fat. Now she's 5' 8" and thin as a rail.

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