Dicks and Easton Families (Fishermen)

1871 Census, Plymouth, Devon, England

5 Castle Street

Name Relationship Married? Age Occupation Place of Birth
William Easton Head Mar 21 Fisherman Plymouth, Devon
Jane Easton Wife Mar 19   Plymouth, Devon

20 Castle Street (Rising Sun)

Name Relationship Married? Age Occupation Place of Birth
John Easton Head Mar 51 Fisherman Plymouth, Devon
Jane Easton Wife Mar 54   Plymouth, Devon
James Easton Son Unm 19 Fisherman Plymouth, Devon
Elizabeth Easton Daur Unm 17   Plymouth, Devon
Jessie Easton Daur   15   Plymouth, Devon
Charles Easton Son   10   Plymouth, Devon

20 Castle Street (Rising Sun)

Name Relationship Married? Age Occupation Place of Birth
Richard P Easton Head Son Mar 26 Fisherman Plymouth, Devon
Mary Easton Wife Mar 25   Plymouth, Devon
Philip Easton Son   5   Plymouth, Devon
William Easton Son   3   Plymouth, Devon
Louisa Easton Daur   12 mo   Plymouth, Devon

Castle Dyke Lane

Name Relationship Married? Age Occupation Place of Birth
John Dicks Head Son Mar 47 Pensioner Plymouth, Devon
Martha Dicks Wife Mar 45   Plymouth, Devon
George Dicks Son   19 Fisherman Plymouth, Devon
Johanna Dicks Daur   15   Plymouth, Devon
Clara Dicks Daur   13   Plymouth, Devon
William Dicks Son   11   Plymouth, Devon
Amos Dicks Son   9   Plymouth, Devon
Robert Dicks Son   6   Plymouth, Devon

3 Lambhay St

Name Relationship Married? Age Occupation Place of Birth
Ann Dicks Head Wid 37   St George, London
Amy Easton Servant   15 Servant Plymouth, Devon
Sarah Dicks Daur   5   Plymouth, Devon

18 Lambhay St

Name Relationship Married? Age Occupation Place of Birth
Richard Easton Head Mar 21 Fisherman Plymouth, Devon
Jane Easton Wife Mar 22   Eggbuckland, Devon
William Easton Son   8   Plymouth, Devon
Richard Easton Son   6 mo   Plymouth, Devon

22 Lambhay St

Name Relationship Married? Age Occupation Place of Birth
Mary Easton Head Wid 82   St Columb, Cornwall
Emma Williams Gdaur Unm 22 Fishmonger D'port, Devon
Mary A Warren Gdaur   21 Cloth Cutter D'port, Devon

4 1/2 Looe St

Name Relationship Married? Age Occupation Place of Birth
Richard Easton Head Mar 43 Fisherman Devon, Plymouth
Caroline Easton Wife Mar 40   Devon, Plymouth
Elizabeth Easton Daur Unm 18 Scholar Devon, Plymouth
Robert Easton Son   16 Scholar Devon, Plymouth
George Easton Son   13 Scholar Devon, Plymouth
Emilia Jane Easton Daur   11 Scholar Devon, Plymouth
Albert Easton Son   9 Scholar Devon, Plymouth
John Easton Son   8 Scholar Devon, Plymouth
Louisa Easton Daur   6 Scholar Devon, Plymouth
Rose Easton Daur   3 Scholar Devon, Plymouth
Ernest Easton Son   8 mo   Devon, Plymouth

Also the Chaffe family, 5 persons.

To exchange information please e-mail mary.trevan@wxs.nl
This page was last updated: 8 May 1999

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