Most of this is coming from my own memory, where people have told me the stories . If I have anything wrong, or if you have other info about them - please mail me...I'm always looking for new info on them.
Who Were the Azgen?

I only know one story and part of another that mention the Azgen. One comes from the Iroquois and the other from the Cherokee.

The Azgen are described as having blond hair and blue eyes. They lived and dressed as the local Indians -as I heard it, so their existance wouldn't show on the archeological record (?) - but came out at night instead of during the day, hence they were also called the 'The Moon-Eyed People'.

One story says that when the whites came through and wanted to settle, they tried to nogotiate with the Five Civilized Tribes to buy their land - specifically the area between the Ohio, Mississippi and Cumberland rivers. The whites were told that 'that land is a hunting ground only. No one settles there for it is already taken and settled by the Azgen.' When the whites pressed and told the Indians that they would simply take the land if an agreement couldn't be reached, Chief Cornhusk (?) of the Iroquois told them, "If you settle on the Azgen lands - much strife will befall you. Fathers will turn against sons, brother will fight brother." Naturally, the whites ignored the warning and settled anyway. Later, in 1861, the Civil War began.
Another fragment is simply where the Tennessee River bottlenecked and there was a huge boulder on one side of the bottleneck and a very deep hole of water on the other. I can only remember the part where a Cherokee father tells his son not to cross the 'Long Man' here because 'Azgen would get him'.

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