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Plan "B"
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Our economy is changing and the future is not as predictable as it once was.

Remember this:
Dig your well before you're thirsty. We can help you develop a plan "B".

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How do you see yourself?
Look in the mirror. What do you see? Do you see someone who rides life or do you typically let life ride you? Reading the right books teaches us, inspires us and builds us up. You will find out your potential when you read. Reading will stretch your mind to new dimensions and you will never be the same again.
Train your mind for success -
This is the encouragement from the most
successful business people. Training is not always fun and fun doesn't usually require training. Reading helps you find the needed power to leave your comfort zone.

Self discipline is self training. I heard a highly successful person once say that he made some of the greatest advances in business by forcing himself to do pushups every morning to start his day. This self discipline helped him show himself who is boss. Ever wonder why most people don't remain members of health clubs for very long? They never disciplined themselves.

If we look in the mirror and only see our weaknesses we can feel we aren’t worthy or able to acheive great things. This vision extends itself into our self talk and holds us back. We can't fool the one in the mirror.

When we see ourselves achieving things of value, something great happens in the mirror. We then see the greatness inside of us. Great books help us see the greatness we already have.

The best way to start training your mind is to read the right success principle books. A few suggestions are:

How to Raise Your Own Salary - Napoleon Hill
How to Slay the Financial Dragon - William A. Stanmeyer, J. D.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
Cash Flow Quadrant - Robert Kiyosaki
The Power of Focus - Mark Victor Hansen
Freedom From Fear - Mark Matteson

These are just a few of the hundreds of excellent books available through our leadership bookstore. Becoming a member of our business group is an excellent way to start a successful journey. Our business group has an unmatched, worldclass professional development program. Robert Kiyosaki, in his tape "The Perfect Business?", edifies our program as perfect training for entrepeneurs!
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