Beanie Kids/ Bean Bag Mates

Australia's hottest selling bean bag toy designed by Skansen Giftware Australia
Number of  visits  since
15 January 2000.
What are Beanie Kids/Bean Bag Mates???
Exclusive interview with Condell Giftware, which introduced Bean Bag Mates to the USA!!
Terry's Collectibles. Owner Terry Gonzales has a store in Zion, Illinios and is available to service customers from around the USA. Email or phone +1(847)4207455
This is a great site with information and pictures about TY beanies,and other collectible bean bag toys!!!
Ty Warner and the Beanie Phenomenon
Read about the man who started the beanie craze!!
List of some bean bag toys NOT produced by Ty 
PS: This website will not be updated after 2000.
It will exist as an information site only.
Some of the graphics on this site came from Hiysao Tada's website, Sweet Room, which offers  free clip art, Click here

Disclaimer: The copyright of all images belong to their respective owners, creators or producers. The images are presented here are for the purpose of information and entertainment only. All pictures have been used with permission. This is a non-profit and non-commerical website. It is not affiliated with Skansen Giftware Australia