The family tree of the Popsicles
Take a look at one of the most noble families in Wackivainia.....and one of the most confused!
This twisted tale began when two noble families got together and decided that in the interest of friendship and good family relations, a new family should be established.The two lucky participants were; Lady Lucretia, daughter of the House of Popsicle Manor, and Nutty Percival, Son of the House of Wingnuts. This event took place in the year 1127 B.C. (BEFORE CABLE}This act created Maniac Manor. A sprawling seventy-three acre manor nestled in the middle of downtown Dementia.They brought into the world three children; Richard, Elizabeth, & Mary. The two girls were handmaidens to Queen Dementia the First. Richard,in due time, became a great knight. (He was knighted in 1201 B.C.)So great, in fact, that he became a member of the Queen's own personal guard.He was called Sir Richard the Felinehearted because that he pledged his undying loyalty just before he moved to a different planet.. Before he felt the "need to explore", he married Rebecca. She was born in Dementia, Wackivainia, on Nov.8 in the year, 1430. In preparation for the coming attraction, Rebecca and all of her household moved back to Wackivainia, in 1640. Later, that year, the Popsicles had a daughter, Popsicle Penelope, who in the course of her travels, Penelope meets and marries Deranged Phil, Son of House of the Deranged, who was visiting from the town of Odderton at the time. According to Wackivainian custom, the man changes his name to reflect his wife's house. So, he became Popsicle Phil the Second. After sixty-eight years of blissful marriage, their first daughter was born at Our Lady of Infinite Circumference at seven 'o clock PM on Dec.3,1670.They named her Popsicle Phyllis.Twenty-eight years later, the Popsicles have a son. Popsicle Phil the Third arrives at Our Lady of Infinite Circumference Hospital at seven-thirty AM on April 1.
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