No one has the right to know my mind or my business or to tell me what to think, what to feel, what to do.

I have a right to my own dreams, thoughts, feelings, values and beliefs.

If someone is abusive or disrespectful to me, I have a right to tell them so, to ask them to stop and to avoid the situation and cause.

I don't have to be nice to people who aren't nice to me. I can choose to rise above, and consider the source as a possible ignorance.

I have a need and right to love myself, respect myself and to stand up for myself.

I always have a right to express what I feel and think for myself, as long as I don't try to tell others what's right for them, and don't lash out verbally. 

I have a right to be who I am.

I have a right to harmlessly live my own life regardless of whether others like it or not.

I have a right not to feel guilty for NOT behaving as others want me to and not fitting their mold of expectations.

I have a right to make mistakes, otherwise I could not learn and grow.

I accept my right to my imperfections and have the right to not feel guilty for them.  Perfection is not earthbound.

I believe in the golden rule. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

I believe in being true to myself and know that things will turn out for the best in the long run.

I believe in faith of the unknown.  There is Someone greater than any person on this earth.  And He will show and lead the way.  During chaos, an unspoken peace confirms my faith. 

I believe that no matter what, I am a child of God, who is loved, forgiven and destined for eternal life and His blessings.

~Wendell Olsen~