First Name : Chloe
Breed :shelties
Comment ;Shelties are so gorgeous!
First Name : inna tolli
URL : ;
Breed : ;sheltie
Comment : ;Yours Rambo are very nice! Best wishes from Estonia ! Inna
First Name : ;kirsi
Email : ;
Breed : shetland sheepdog
Comment : ;Hello! When I visited for your sites I noticed that you have dog called Rambo. I have shetland sheepdog FIN CH Peltsun Diz-Rambo-called Rambo. He is 4 years old. We live other side of the world, in Finland, Scandinavia, Europe. Best wishes to You from 
First Name :;Deanna
Email :;
Breed p;Love the Sheltie, Collie, Mini Foxy, Neapolitan Mastiff, Maremma
Comment :;You have such lovely looking dogs.
First Name;kaylene
Email :; au.
Breed :;shelties
Comment :;Like your tyoe of sheltie.
First Name ;kaylene
Email :;tesskatel
Breed ;shelties
Comment :like your dogs a grat deal
First Name :;Anne
Email :
Breed :;Shetland sheepdog
Comment : ;Hi, you have some beautiful dogs! Rambo and Gypsy are really charming! Best luck for the future. Regards, Anne
First Name ;Ann
Email ;
Breed ;shelties
Comment : p;Very nicely done, Jackie. Puppies look nice and healthy. Good luck for the future.
First Name : Max
Email : ;
Breed :;Sheltie
Comment : ;Love yor Dogs and Web Site
First Name Barbara
Breed Sheltie
Comment : ;We adopted Laddie from a nearby kennel. He was 4 at the time and was abandoned by his owners. He is now a thriving loving 7year old. Shelties are loyal and wonderful pets and I dont know how we got along without him all these years. He rules the roost an
First Name;BILL Aberline
Breed :
Comment :Looking good the boy still stands out
First Name :;vincent
URL :;
Breed :;Shelties
Comment : ;Hi, Greetings from Singapore. I have just visited your site. You have 3 lovely pups. I am currently showing our Am cockers and am looking for another breed to show. I would like to show one of your beautiful girls if u could help me.I shall be obliged if 
First Name :;Steve
URL :;
Email :
Breed :;Chev
Comment : Great site. Keep the good work up.
First Name ;dawn
Email :;
Breed : sheltie
Comment :;love your web page and the puppies you have look realy nice would you have one for sale a male with a full white collar and the price
First Name :Jan Grice
Breed Sheltie's ( & one Bolognese!)
Comment : ;Loved the site- lovely dogs , and the babies look nice and healthy. So cute! Best Wishes From Jan and Ray in Somerset . U.K.
First Name : Jenny
URL : ;
Breed :Shelties
Comment ;Well done Jackie, Love the dogs.
First Name :;Tony
Email :;
Breed : Sheltie
Comment : Hi there, Lovely dogs. Best of luck with the showring although it seems very much under controll.  If I ever get to Sydney I'll be sure to come and visit you all in person.  Tony
First Name : ;Tracey
URL :;
Email ;
Breed : shelties
Comment : ;Thanks for letting me know about your new site- have enjoyed looking around. You've done a great job!
First Name : ;Ruth & Alan
Email :
Breed :
Comment :
First Name ;Lynne Cummings
Email :;
Breed ;Shelties
Comment;You have done a great job with your page Jackie, I think it's time I got John to do more with ours.
First Name :Dell (Qld)
Email :
Breed : Shelties
Comment : ;Hi Jackie, Love you web site, also the pics of the kids. The pups have grown. Best wishes for 2002, hope you have a Happy New Year. Kathetta Kennels
First Name :Lauren
Email :
Breed :shelties
Comment ;Lovely photos. Rambo seems to be quite a consistant winner. Good luck in future.  Lauren  P.S. Do you know how to contact Danny and Diane Grant?
First Name :Kim and Kelly
Email :;
Breed : ;shelties
Comment :;Great site Jackie
First Name Jenny
URL :;
Email :;
Breed : Shelties
Comment : Hello Jackie, Congratulations on your first attempt. Very well done, and love the photos
First Name Denise
Email ;
Breed : Sheltie
Comment : LOVE IT, LOVE IT Jackie, what an outstanding job. Whose the cutest, sweetest boy of all, me - yo, whack ya, smack ya, jump an ya head - ZANE, yeah thats our boy, ggg.  Take care and good luck with future ventures.  Love, Denise, Clancy, Elle & Zane
First Name :;Judy Docksey
URL : ;
Breed ;Shetland Sheepdogs
Comment : ;Hi Jackie  Great job - bet Steve will be getting you to do a site for his Chevy ggg  Have a great Christmas - look forward to seeing your site when it is further updated.  Judy