  Currently Wepeel is still in its creative process of writing its debut album, which may or may not be self titled.  "We dont want to be to much like that Weezer band" - Adam.  When asked how the project was going, Brian responded "unfit for human ears... no, just joking. Its fine".  It seems the band is collectivly only pleased with three tracks, which are currently under the name of "Sold out", "Led Me", and "Memory of Max", and all agree that the current recorded versions of the songs are not up to par.
   "I think we have enough material to get serious about recording a studio demo" -Adam.  Demo being the key word here, for it seems Wepeel only plans for the above three songs to be recorded in the up and comming, highly anticipated Sean Z sessions.  "The most Tracks I would anticipate is four, it all depends on how ambitious of enviornment the studio is (how much time Sean lets us skrew around for untill he kicks us out)" Adam.
   Wepeel curently has no proformances schedualed, but thier is a rumor floating around that the guys plan to rock out at the "wired frog" within the year.  Other speculations about the band mainly revolve around the possibility of a colaboration with "Bill Blass and the Blasstones". When Brian was asked to comment on the matter he simply responded, "I like them ('The Tones')", heh, what a great kid.
June 26th, 2002 - Ben Folds, the highly praised recording artist, has decided to join Wepeel.  In a brief post concert conferance held with Adam and Ben, Mr. Folds decided Wepeel would be the next big step he would be taking in order to insure the greatnessism of his carrer.  "I wass'nt all that hard to get him to join, I told him we were kinda shitty, he did'nt mind, I think he liked the name" says Adam.