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The Study Bible for Beginners Vol. 1



The Revelation



This is a LARGE study book of 185 A4 size pages (16.5MB) containing graphics and text and may take some time to download.

It contains the books of Daniel, The Revelation, and uses Matthew Chapters 24 & 25 as a connector. It is suitable for non-Adventists as well as SDA's.

Click here to view sample pages.

We do have printed copies available free of charge, but would appreciate a donation to cover the cost of mailing if you can afford it. Mail for one (or more).

The link below should download the file as a "Zip" and when "Unzipped" it should open in Windows "Word 97" to take advantage of its column and graphic capability.

Download "The Future" ("Daniel and The Revelation")


Please let us know if you have any problems downloading. We can always send you a copy by Email.

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