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The Everlasting Gospel


Note 1: Spiritual pass over

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{Adventist Home 324.2-4}

The directions that Moses gave concerning the Passover feast are full of significance, and have an application to parents and children in this age of the world . . .

[In Old Testament times] the father was to act as the priest of the household, and if the father was dead, the eldest son living was to perform this solemn act of sprinkling the doorpost with blood. This is a symbol of the work to be done in every family. Parents are to gather their children into the home and to present Christ before them as their Passover. The father is to dedicate every inmate of his home to God and to do a work that is represented by the feast of the Passover. It is perilous to leave this solemn duty in the hands of others.

Let Christian parents resolve that they will be loyal to God, and let them gather their children into their homes with them and strike the doorpost with blood, representing Christ as the only One who can shield and save, that the destroying angel may pass over the cherished circle of the household. Let the world see that a more than human influence is at work in the home.
Let parents maintain a vital connection with God, set themselves on Christ's side, and show by His grace what great good may be accomplished through parental agency.   
Back to page 10.

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Note 2:  The "old man"

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Romans 6:

6 Knowing this, that our "old man" is crucified with Him, that the body [power] of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin [as a slave].

7 For he that is "dead" is freed from [the power of] sin. 8 Now if we be dead with Christ [i.e. justified], we believe that we shall also live with Him [being sanctified], 9 knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dies no more; death has no more dominion over Him.

10 For in that He died, He died to sin once: but in that He lives, He lives to God. 11 Likewise reckon you also yourselves to be dead indeed to sin [once], but alive to God through Jesus Christ our LORD. 12 Let not [the power of] sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in the lusts thereof.     Back to page 11.

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Note 3: The dividing line

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{Desire of Ages 75.1}

Among the Jews the twelfth year was the dividing line between childhood and youth. On completing this year a Hebrew boy was called a son of the law, and also a son of God. He was given special opportunities for religious instruction, and was expected to participate in the sacred feasts and observances. It was in accordance with this custom that Jesus in His boyhood made the Passover visit to Jerusalem. Like all devout Israelites, Joseph and Mary went up every year to attend the Passover; and when Jesus had reached the required age, they took Him with them.     Back to page 11.

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Note 4: Newness of life

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Romans 6:

1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in [actions of sin] sin [after we are justified], that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are "dead" to sin, live any longer therein?

3 Know you not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection: 6 knowing this, that our "old man" is crucified with Him, that the body [power] of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. 7 For he that is "dead" is freed from [the power of] sin.      Back to page 12.

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Note 5: Self-sacrifice

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{Acts of the Apostles 560.2}

Those who would gain the blessing of sanctification must first learn the meaning of self-sacrifice. The cross of Christ is the central pillar on which hangs the "far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory". "If any man will come after Me," Christ says, "let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me". 2 Corinthians 4:17; Matthew 16:24. It is the fragrance of our love for our fellow men that reveals our love for God. It is patience in service that brings rest to the soul. It is through humble, diligent, faithful toil that the welfare of Israel is promoted. God upholds and strengthens the one who is willing to follow in Christ's way.

Sanctification is not the work of a moment, an hour, a day, but of a lifetime.

It is not gained by a happy flight of feeling, but is the result of constantly dying to sin, and constantly living for Christ. Wrongs cannot be righted nor reformations wrought in the character by feeble, intermittent efforts. It is only by long, persevering effort, sore discipline, and stern conflict, that we shall overcome. We know not one day how strong will be our conflict the next.
So long as Satan reigns, we shall have self to subdue, besetting sins to overcome; so long as life shall last, there will be no stopping place, no point which we can reach and say, I have fully attained. Sanctification is the result of lifelong obedience.
          Back to page 14.

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Note 6. The Shekinah glory

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Exodus 13:

21 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: 22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

Exodus 40:

38 For the cloud of the LORD was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.  Back to page 19.

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Note 7. The two goats

These two goats represent the Son of God and Lucifer as they were BEFORE the rebellion began. Christ manifested Himself in that time as an angel looking just like all the other inhabitants of heaven.

They are pictured as cherubim standing on either side of the throne of God with their wings over His head. The controversy began when Lucifer realised that the other "angel" could do something he couldn't, that is, enter into the bright light which surrounded the Father and commune with Him, and he became jealous. The two covering cherubs in the most holy place were identical except that one stood at the right hand and one at the left of God.

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Exodus 25:

18 And you shall make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shall you make them, in the two ends of the Mercy Seat. 19 And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the Mercy Seat shall you make the cherubims on the two ends thereof. 20 And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the Mercy Seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the Mercy Seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.

Ezekiel 28:

14 You are the anointed cherub that covers; and I have set you so: you were upon the holy mountain of God; you have walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. 15 You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, till iniquity was found in you.                Back to page 21.      Back to page 22.

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Note 8. The wounds on His body

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John 20:

25 The other disciples therefore said to him [Thomas], "We have seen the LORD". But he said to them, "Except I shall see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe".

26 And after eight days again His disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, "Peace be to you".

27 Then said He to Thomas, "Reach here your finger, and behold My hands; and reach here your hand, and thrust it into My side: and be not faithless,
but believing".
28 And Thomas answered and said to Him, "My LORD and my God". 29 Jesus says to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me [physically], you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed".

30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book: 31 but these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you might have life through His name.

Zechariah 13:6:

"And one shall say to Him, ‘What are these wounds in Your hands?’ Then He shall answer, ‘Those with which I was wounded in the house of My friends’".

Back to page 22.

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Note 9. The fast

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{DA 775.1}

Many minds were busy with thoughts started by the scenes of Calvary.
From the crucifixion to the resurrection many sleepless eyes were constantly searching the prophecies, some to learn the full meaning of the feast they were then celebrating, some to find evidence that Jesus was not what He claimed to be; and others with sorrowful hearts were searching for proofs that He was the true Messiah.

Though searching with different objects in view, all were convicted of the same truth – that prophecy had been fulfilled in the events of the past few days, and that the Crucified One was the world's Redeemer.

Many who at that time united in the service never again took part in the paschal rites. Many even of the priests were convicted of the true character of Jesus. Their searching of the prophecies had not been in vain, and after His resurrection they acknowledged Him as the Son of God. Back to page 32.

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